Jon has been telling me about his stock of early 90s fitteds for a while and how they’re not all New Era pieces. Some of you youngins’ may not remember, or know, that New Era had a LITTLE BIT of competition back in the early 90s. That’s right, Starter, Sports Specialties and Pro-Line made fitted caps for a short period of time. If you never saw them, well get ready to drool a bit with the pictures coming up. Jon even told me that the pieces he had on hand are just a tiny percentage of the whole inventory.
Enjoy the pics after the jump because I know I had a great time checking out these older pieces. The memories from junior high came flooding back with flashes of Cross Colours, Girbaud, Nike Air Raids, Starter gear, etc making me cringe a bit. Anyway, they should be going online sometime soon and they’re taking phone orders. But if you’re impatient like me and really want some now, head over to their brand new shop. Tell’em Peabe sent you. Via Strictly Fitteds
Fully Laced, 3251 20th Avenue Suite 149, San Francisco, CA 94132, (415) 814-2033