Here is one of the clearest cases ever where a production model turns out to be vastly superior to the samples. And it’s not every day that you hear a gum-soled shoe brushed aside so easily — gum rubber is one of the foundational looks and we were very glad to see it play a prominent role in the post-recession fashion shakeup. But will anyone argue that the switch to reflective 3M to match the mudguard on the
‘Cool Grey’ Jordan CMFT Vis Air 11 wasn’t for the best? This shoe leaps from being part of the CG holiday hangover to something like a starter’s pistol to your wild-running imagination. Can you picture the Air Jordan XI with a 3M mudguard? What about pretty much any sneaker ever with a reflective bottom?! Rarely has a hybrid model offered so much innovation; are they now the best the
CMFT mashup series has seen? Grab yours now from
Kix-Files. Via
Sneaker News