Back in 2008, when word bubbled up about Johnson's massive Ford F-650 Super Truck XUV, we missed out on posting about it on Ball Don't Lie. Maybe because there wasn't a lockout to battle against. Or maybe it's because Joe's new paint job has sent us over the moon.
Either way, Joe's still truck'-er, toolin' around in this diesel-powered beast, which can apparently hold 200 gallons of fuel at a time, which means even despite the poor mileage Johnson no doubt gets, he has to fuel up about once every solstice. Which is also a terrible name for a car, but not a bad car at all.
Joe got back into the news with the truck over the weekend as he met up with kiddie campers on the University of Arkansas (he's a product) campus, and though I'm sure there were plenty of questions about Joe's footwork on a 1/3 screen and roll and just where exactly he thinks the BRI should end up in the upcoming labor negotiations this November (smart kids, these are), that didn't stop a few of them from wondering about the truck, along with a zing:
During a Q&A session Johnson was asked by a kid attending camp: "How much did you pay for your car?" Johnson, of course, declined to answer. Johnson was later asked by an incoming basketball player why he "makes more than Kobe [Bryant]."
Johnson, a Little Rock native, has come a long way from his college days. Former teammate Jannero Pargo provided some insight when a camper asked if Johnson owned any video games:
"I remember he'd take out a loan to get a PlayStation 3", Pargo said.
Nice line, Jannero Pargo. And, if anyone is still wondering, the price of this car plus the features he's installed like runs well past $200k. A lot of money, just well within budget for someone that makes, well, more than Kobe Bryant. via Ball Don't Lie